Welcome to my website, a place designed primarily for me to talk about my writing, the great passion in my life that has been a source of constant enjoyment, and about my journey as an author. It's also a place where I can explore and share my artistic endeavours, as I continue on my quest to draw the pictures my overactive imagination presents day after day.

In addition to talking about my writing, I wanted to use the website to share a little about myself with the readers who have enjoyed my books, including my experiences of being an author, my past, present, and future projects, and what I get up to when not writing, researching, or screaming in frustration when I pick up my pencil and try to draw! (Writing comes much easier than drawing...)

Please feel free to look around, and don't hesitate to drop me an email if you'd like to say hello. I try to respond to all emails as soon as I can, but work and projects may lead to short delays every now and then.


Current projects

Harry's Game & Children's Books

Harry's Game has been my primary project since 2019, and while over a million words have been written across the nine novels that have been published and enjoyed around the world, the project isn't quite over, and I’m continuing to explore creative outlets for Harriet's story. This could be in the form of more writing, or possibly something artistic. Either way, I’m not ready to let Harriet go just yet, so I’ll be spending some more time with her while I wait for the conversation with Hollywood about the film and miniseries rights…

In addition to Harry's Game, I’m also going back to where I started, and exploring ideas for one or two new children's books. This could see Maddy Monday making a comeback, or more work with Poppy the Pilot. It could even be both, or it could be something entirely new. I haven’t decided yet, but I do have a few stories taking shape.



The books, the writing, the experiences of an author, and project news.


A little about the person behind the stories and the drawings.


Art either created or commissioned by me, and the stories behind it.

Harry's Game

A little more about each of the books in the Harry's Game series



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